Wednesday, November 30, 2005

In Rememberance

I've waited almost a week to post the following entry. I've been forming the words in my head with tender care. Last Thursday was my first Thanksgiving away from my family. It was also the first Thanksgiving since my grandmother passed away.

For me Thanksgiving is filled with memories of Grandma--from her famous cornbread dressing to card games to greasy wishbones filled with promise of the best wishes ever wished. Grandma was a daily fixture in my childhood. Rarely did a day pass without talking to her or at least hearing the latest gossip passed through my mother of the goings on in our church's senior adult ministry. We saw her at least three or four times a week and at most daily. The cranny's of mind are stuffed full of memories of Grandma.

The smallest things remind me of her--Vicks Vapor Rub, folded Kleenex, and cornbread. I could tell you many stories of my grandmother. I could tell you of the trials and triumphs of her 96 years. I could tell you of her truest and best love, my mother. I could tell you of a woman after God's heart.

Thank You, Father, for each moment we had to share.

As I think of my grandmother today, I also want to remember my friend Nicole, her daugthers and son. Nicole, I only met your mother once, but I knew through you and your girls the love that she had. Blessings to you, my friend, may God grip you tightly in His embrace.


Unknown said...

Aack! Word verification is on! How did I get spammed?

Kristi said...

That is a lovely tribute to a wonderful woman. I know you miss her very much. Oh, how I long for heaven where we won't miss anyone ever again! Bless you, friend.