Pinkeye (also called conjunctivitis) is redness and swelling of the conjunctiva, the mucous membrane that lines the eyelid and eye surface. The lining of the eye is usually clear. If irritation or infection occurs, the lining becomes red and swollen. (source: WebMD)
I have not had Pinkeye since I was a little kid. Somehow, it is an infection that I associate with childhood, and I never thought it was possible to get it as an adult. I was wrong...
I have Pinkeye in both eyes, and I am sure it is just a matter of time until it spreads throughout the entire PUMP Church. Apparently it is viral and there is nothing you can do for it but to let it run its course--for the next 3-5 days! And of course it's highly contagious--good thing I don't mind spending loads of time by myself!
uh...yeah...dat's my bad.
Ack! You poor thing! Tell me what you need and I'll drop it on your porch!
You have pink eye? Do you need anything? I'm willing to help since you gave me so much assistance when I was "off my rocker"
I'm pretty sure I didn't write that last comment. Did Kristi B finally give in and join us in the blog world?? :-)
Yes, Kristi B. has joined us in the blogging world! Also, good to know, I seemed to be much improved today. Thanks for the help offers. Thankfully, I didn't get that bad. Just extreme annoyance.
This is why don't post!! Because people can find me, then they learn that the most intelligent thing I have to say is "blah blah blah" This is just going to drive me over the edge and force me to get the internet
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