Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sunday Servings: Peach Pie

Baking is an act of generosity. It is love and kindness and sorrow and hope baked into a loaf of generosity. Sunday Servings is an attempt to spread the generosity a little further by sharing stories and recipes. If you would like to share your own story or recipe, please do so in the comments section or tweet ideas to @AmandaEPeterson.


I hosted my first real house guests this week, my high school best friend Mackenzie and her two year old son. (Apologies, family, you don't count as real house guests. I love you, but you don't.)

Inviting the first guests into your home is, I think, the moment an apartment, a flat, a house, an abode becomes a home. It's the first time your own little space in the world wraps its warmth around someone else and for a few moments shares it's hominess and comfort. It's the first time you are established as the owner or the renter of the space and get to play host, offering out good food and comfy chairs and good conversation. It all becomes a little bit more real--this is mine and I want to share it with you....

Read the rest at the all new

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