Disclaimer: Please note that these are impressions based on 2 days wondering through the town and very little else.
I have been struck by the opposing forces of Colorado Springs.

Yet, walking around downtown this afternoon I saw many who clashed with the conservatism around them. I felt at home walking past skaters and thugs of all sorts. I felt a strong backlash against conservative Christiandom as we visited the shops of Manitou Springs--mysticism and witchcraft popping up everywhere. There is even an anti-war demonstration set-up near our hotel, reminding of similar scenes I have seen at Reed College and elsewhere in Portland.
I greatly enjoy downtown Colorado Springs. It has the feel of small town Colorado. Walking its streets, you quickly forget the sprawling urban setting you are in. Colorado Springs is a city of approximately 300,000. By 2010 it is expected to surpass Denver in population (Denver proper, not the complete metro area). But in downtown, you feel none of this.

On a completely other note, I ask for your prayers tomorrow morning. I have a job interview at the local Barnes and Noble. Considering when I turned my application in yesterday they told me that they weren't hiring, I was shocked to get a call from the manager today. He is even coming in on his day off to meet with me in the morning. This would be an excellent opportunity--full benefits, a job that I can leave at the job, close in proximity to the school and to where I will likely be living, a chance to work with people who won't look just like me in the aspects of school or church. Thanks for you prayers.
That is awsome, I am praying that you can retire a dedicated employee of Barns and Noble many years from now.
Glad to hear you are well. I will keep up with you using this blessed avenue. God bless you.
I'll be praying for your interview.
I'm glad you got there safe! Colorado is like a second home to me- our summer vacations every year growing up were to Glenwood Springs/Carbondale, and I also have an uncle and aunt in the Springs. Manitou is one of all-time favorites as well- it does clash quite interestingly with the Springs, but I enjoy it a lot. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers- I know you'll be great!
Don't forget that C-Springs is pretty much an island of conservatism and Christianity in an ocean of liberalism. It's interesting that you see those worlds touching at the edges (outlying areas).
As beautiful as it is there, I never could quite feel at home there. Too much tension under the glittering surface.
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