Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sunday Servings: Blueberry Cookies

Baking is an act of generosity. It is love and kindness and sorrow and hope baked into a loaf of generosity. Sunday Servings is an attempt to spread the generosity a little further by sharing stories and recipes. If you would like to share your own story or recipe, please do so in the comments section or you can tweet ideas to @AmandaEPeterson or share on my Facebook page.


It was apparently one of those comedy of errors kind of days.

I had invited a new friend over for coffee and decided to try a new recipe to go along with the new friendship--blueberry cookies.

It had to be blueberry something because sadly I had a few blueberries who had been banished, uneaten, to the freezer. Now they needed to be used up before freezer burn rendered them a complete waste.

So blueberry cookies, an old recipe I'd found which sounded like a great compliment to the rich aromatic pleasures of coffee.

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